Διεθνής συνεργασίες

  • Με ενήλικες εταίρους από Λιθουανία και Κύπρο, που συμμετέχουν στο Ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα επιμόρφωσης Ενηλίκων – Grundtvig 2

  • ΜεΓυμνάσιο της Μαγιόρκας ( Ισπανία) στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Comenius με 17 μαθητές και συνοδούς εκπαιδευτικούς.


  • Μελύκειο της Μπολόνιας ( Ιταλία) στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος eTwinning με 25 μαθητές και συνοδούς εκπαιδευτικούς

Residential Training Workshop on Universities and ESD”, 23-28 May 2010, Amfissa Greece
The Residential Training Workshop “Universities & ESD” was a five-day training course organised by the University of Athens, MIO-ECSDE/MEdIES Secretariat, the Baltic University Programme (BUP) and the Centre of Environmental Education (CEE) of Amfissa, which took place in the period between 23 to 28 May, 2010, in CEE Amfissa, Greece. In total, 48 experts -lecturers, researchers and university staff- all involved in ESD, participated in the training, coming from nineteen countries of the Baltic and the Mediterranean.
The training workshop aimed to develop knowledge and competences on integrating ESD in University processes, curricula and activities, exploring the concepts of the “whole institute approach” and sharing experiences on ESD. Key speakers were Dr Christine Jakobsson, BUP Director, Prof M. Scoullos, MIO-ECSDE Chairman, Prof Daniella Tilbury, University of Gloucestershire, Dr Regina Steiner, University of Salzburg, and Mr Konstantinos Pavlou, University of Athens.
The sessions divided on the following thematic pillars:
i. Curriculum & Programmes of Sustainable University.
ii. Governance, Processes & ‘culture’ of Sustainable University.
iii. Infrastructures of Sustainable University.
For each of these thematic pillars one key presentation was made, followed by an experiential workshop and stimulating interest. In order to ensure a substantial and meaningful sharing of experiences the participants had been asked to prepare a selected case study from their institutes related to ESD in Universities on these same thematic pillars. All these case studies were presented within the appropriate thematic pillar. A session on the ESD Competences of Educators, based on the draft working text of the UNECE Expert Group took place as well.
The overall training was evaluated very positively by the participants who requested as a follow up a strengthening of cooperation amongst them, mainly through the BUP and the Mediterranean networks. The training was financially supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation A

  • ency (SIDA), the Abo Akademi University, the Novia University of Applied Sciences, the European Commission – DG Environment, the Municipality of Amfissa, and it was hosted and in-kind supported by the Centre of Environmental Education of Amfissa.
    The proceedings of the seminar are currently under preparation and are expected to be published early this autumn in a special issue of the “Sustainable Mediterranean” (MIO-ECSDE quarterly Newsletter).
    More at www.medies.net